Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Commenting Challenge and 30-Day Challenge

Alright, so we are two days into my 30-day challenge and I'm failing miserably. In my defense, I have been occupied with visiting sister and nieces, allergies, a quick surgical procedure for Charlie, the Fourth of July, and an upcoming 2 day trip to Wisconsin and then week long visit from sister-in-law and four nieces/nephews. And, throw a few days of work into that equation and I haven't had much time to breathe, let alone write. However, I do love the Blog Comment Challenge that Jenna from Jenna's Journey is hosting, so I am joining in and will resume (start) my 30-day Blog Challenge on the 18th.

We had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend chock-full of the sounds of cousins laughing, running, and playing; new and old friends and family mingling, and feeling the SUN for the first time in months. Oregon summers sure are glorious, when it finally makes its appearance.

I am off to bed as I have a 7:30 am flight to catch tomorrow morning. If you're new here, "we" are Kate (me), husband Jared and our two little boys, Jack and Charlie. More about our story here.


Susie said...

Just stopping in from Jenna's Journey. I also have two little boys. Mine are 3 and 6. Have a great day!!!

Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk said...

Stopping by from Jenna's! Where are you flying to?

Sounds like you had a fun 4th :)

Have a great day!

Natalie said...

Hi Kate! Stopping by from Jenna's...thanks for stopping by my blog. Your boys are too cute! I always think I'm going to end up with all boys. Looks like you guys had a great 4th!

Carol said...

Hey- I read your story, and your attitude about your past year is truly a testimony to what the Lord has done in your life and your family. Thanks for being an encouragement to give Him the glory in every circumstance. Your boys are precious! Nice to meet you through the commenting challenge.

Heidi said...

Dropping by from Jenna's. Your boys are precious! I understand the struggle to blog daily. I don't even have children yet and it's hard for me. Cannot imagine how difficult it is finding time when little one's are around.

Melody Forest McKee said...

I'm so glad you stopped by my blog! I just read through your latest posts, and your kids are precious! My best friend has Gastroparesis and just got a gastric neurostimulator put in. She's 24 and finally for once in her life, she feels "normal." I can't imagine what your little Charlie is going through. I pray y'all find a solution that works best for him...and the whole family!

Jackie Koll said...

Sounds like you are super busy :-) Stopping by from Jenna's!