Sunday, July 24, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 5: Suicide

The challenge for today is to write about a time when you thought of ending your own life. This one is relatively easy--I haven't and can't honestly conceive of feeling that empty and desperate. I am a pretty anxious person...I am frequently anxious about all kinds of things happening/going wrong and have lots of irrational fears (of heights, of birds...). Probably why risk management is a good career for me. In order to stimie these anxieties, I often play "worst case scenario" in my head. I do this about losing jobs, not being able to pay our mortgage, etc., etc. And so, it confounds me that you hear frequently on the news of people not only committing suicide but also taking their loved ones with them as a result of this economy. I'm not passing judgment...just saying that basically, as long as Jared, me and kids were together...well, I feel like we would figure it out.

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