Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's a Tough Life...

...being a baby... :-)

It's been a big week! Jack turned 4 months old on the 22nd! We had his 4-month appointment today and he is now a whopping 12 lbs 11 ozs and has made it to the 10th percentile for weight (up from the 4th percentile at his last well-baby visit and not even making it on the charts at birth!). Looks like he might catch up within the first year!

Jack started daycare this week, as well. We found a wonderful woman just a few doors down the hill from us--she has been watching kids for 20 years this year at the same location and Jared went to school with one of her sons. It's very clear how much the kids there love we are grateful we've found such a great arrangement. We're adjusting to early mornings and the added drop-off and pick-up part of our day...

Life has been keeping us on our toes lately. The FDIC folks are still in "visiting" me at work and as soon as this contingency leaves (they will have been here for 5 weeks), the next group arrives for another go at me. We'll see if I'm still standing after it's all over. Jared's summer term at school has begun--he's excited to be taking a digital photography class, so stay tuned for some new pictures! Thanks Dad, for loaning him the camera to make it all possible!

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