Sunday, July 27, 2008


14.5 lbs!!! That's right folks--at 5 months, Jack is 14.5 lbs, almost catching up to his peers! It seems as though Jack has exploded with new things lately! It's amazing to watch him come alive and discover the world. Definitely a lesson in seeing things through virgin eyes...

Last Sunday, after much effort on his part, Jack finally rolled from his back to his tummy! He had been able to roll from his tummy to his back for a couple of weeks and had recently been stuck on his side trying to get from back to front. Once he did it, he practiced all week long and has now mastered the art of rolling as a mode of transportation! He's already trying to pull his legs up under him, ostensibly in preparation for crawling. I can wait on that for a while, though! With the rolling, he has discovered his toes, which are now spending quite a lot of time in his mouth. He's also become SO verbal! Loves hearing his voice, squeals constantly and babbles away. It's so cute and I am loving this new stage. His Auntie and Uncle recently bought him an exersaucer, which he is spending a lot of time in. It fun to watch him discover all of the different toys.

Since he's been so into moving and sitting in his Bumbo seat and basically being up with the big people, I thought it might be time to break out the highchair and let him sit in it while we eat. Well, I think I forget sometimes how bitty my baby still is...he practically disappeared in it and looked SO little. I think it will be a little while before we try it again.

1 comment:

Kellars Mommy said...

Way to go big fella!! Seems he's doing all sorts of great things, gaining weight, rolling and got to try out the high chair-I remember when we first put Kellar in there and wow seeing him in it now sometimes makes me so happy and thankful on one hand, then on the other it makes you realize wow my baby is not so much of a baby anymore!!