We had a great weekend this past weekend. On Saturday, Grammy and Grampy came for a visit and to go to the Little Grads Picnic (NICU Reunion). It was wonderful to see all of Jack's nurses and doctors and some of our friends from the NICU. There were over 1,000 people there! It was so heartwarming to see how well these babies have done! The picnic reminded both me and Jared how lucky we were to have kept Jack in for as long as we did--but it also a lot of fun to see how far he's come since his days in the hospital. We have a lot to be thankful for!
Here are some of the highlights from the day:
Jack and C.P, his very first nurse!:
Jack and J., one of his primary nurses:

This is V., who was Jack's "neighbor" for most of her stay. She was a 24-weeker who went home about 3 weeks after Jack and She's doing great. Her mom and I got to be friendly during our stay.

Here's me and Jack with Grammy!

Finally, just Jack, being cute:
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