Yesterday, we received two of the cutest little Padres outfits for Jack, a gift from one of his primary nurses during his NICU stay. Today, I had a chance to catch up with her, the first time since we brought Jack home. It's hard to believe it's been over 3 months since Jack came home and we left our life in the NICU behind. During our conversation today, I was reminded of how very lucky we were to have the care we did when Jack was in the hospital.
C. was one of our primary nurses, which refers to a team of nurses you establish during a prolonged NICU stay in order to achieve continuity of care. Your primary nurses will be assigned to your baby whenever possible when they are on during a shift. We were really lucky to have a wonderful team of primary nurses, and C. and J. were two of our favorites. They loved our baby when we couldn't be there, cared about our well-being, helped us navigate through the sometimes very confusing world of doctors and treatments and prepared us to bring him home. They were truly our lifelines during that month. I am forever grateful for the care we received.
Here is one of my favorite pics from our NICU days--of C. with Jack just days before he came home. Thanks, C. for everything you did for us--you are in our thoughts frequently. Thanks, also, to all NICU nurses for the kind of work you do.
I got really close to 4 of Kellars primaries, I cried when we had to leave. I live 3 hrs away from the NICU but when I go to Dallas I make sure and stop by and let them see him. I don't know what I would have done w/out them, they took such great care of Kellar while also looking out for me as well! They become such a huge part of your life and it's hard to let that *bond* go.
Talk about a small world. C. the NICU nurse is the mother of one of my 5 year old's best preschool friends. She is a wonderful person and obviously a wonderful nurse.
Thanks for letting me hold and feed Jack on July 4th. What a cutie.
All the best to you and your boys
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