Friday, April 10, 2009

Today I...

I am taking the invitation to be tagged from this blog I read.

Today I...

Ate: 1 plain bagel and cream cheese, 2 peanut butter cups, and a bowl of noodles.

Felt: Content

Listened: to Nicol Sponberg's Resurrection. I love this song--and very fitting for Good Friday.

Watched: Nothing yet!

Loved: My sister's recent blog post. My niece cracks me up--I love her spelling and pictures. I equally loved the video my childhood friend Brigid posted on Facebook. Her husband is a Navy SEAL in Iraq right now, she works for the Padres and her little 3 yo son got to yell "Play Ball" to start a recent Pad's game after a video message from his daddy in Iraq.

Hoped: that my husband would come home early tonight and handle dinner and bathtime. He did!

Wished: that I could see the house my best friend just bought in Texas. To anyone from Texas reading this...I've VERY RELUCTANTLY handed my best friend over to your state. But, I'm glad she got her first house. :-)

Enjoyed: Listening to my son try to say "tickle, tickle, tickle" in his carseat today.

Wondered: When my son will start talking!!!

Drank: Orange Juice

Wanted: to have the time to get to Children's Place to get Jack's Easter outfit. Tomorrow, I guess...

Looked: Stellan's bracelets...still looking...

Tag! You're it.
Leave me a message if you take the tag.

On a closing note--after almost 4 weeks in the PICU, baby Stellan's heart has finally responded to a medicine regimen. He's moving on down to the step-down unit. Did I not say that Easter is a time for miracles????

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