We had an ultrasound this morning for the nuchal screen (a screening for trisomy disorders). Based on the ultrasound results, everything looks great. We will find out on the blood work in about a week. At our nuchal screen with Jack (at 12 weeks), we were lucky enough to find out that he was a boy so we had our fingers crossed they would be able to tell us the gender of this baby too!
Well...we saw a growing little baby, little hands and feet and lots of movement. According to the ultrasound tech, who claims she is pretty good at telling gender at this point, the baby looks "more female than male." It's still pretty early though and I feel like it's a boy (but, seriously, my feelings on pregnancy have never panned out to anything real), so we'll see...
Well, without further ado...introducing our newest member of the family...

I am so glad that your baby looked healthy! It is also cool that they can possibly tell the gender this early. I know that soon I will be learning how great boys are, but since I don't have any real experience yet I have to say that girls are FANTASTIC!!! I am sure you will be thrilled with either. I can't wait to know for sure who this new littler person will be.
Awwwwww!!!!!!! So exciting!!
I'm glad everything looks great so far, what a cutie pie!
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