Jack and I just got back from our week in San Diego. The first half of the week was HOT! I was completely unprepared for 90 degree plus weather--I had to use it as an opportunity to buy Jack some warm weather clothes. :-)
It was a week full of doctor's appointments, beginning with an ultrasound where I got to see our growing little baby waving it's bitty little arms around. That was reassuring and heart-warming. I am, however, ready to start feeling better. But, I am not complaining (well, too much!) as I am keenly aware how lucky I am to be carrying this baby!
Jack had his 1-year adjusted development assessment. He is 14 months actual now and we were eager for the appointment in hopes that he would be discharged from the high-risk infant clinic and further evaluations. The good news is that he tested at 12 mos for gross and fine motor skills and cognitive development. This is in line with his adjusted age. The disappointing news is that he tested at 9 mos for expressive language (talking) and 6 mos (!) for receptive language (understanding words). The delay was not altogether surprising to us as we knew he wasn't demonstrating an understanding of almost any words or simple commands (e.g., "where's the ball?"). But...I wasn't altogether prepared to hear 6 mos. The long and short of it is that this qualifies Jack for Early Intervention services, including speech therapy. Since we did the assessment in California, they are coordinating services for us in Oregon.
On our flight back from San Diego, we were in an aisle seat and sitting across from a woman who was entertaining Jack by playing nursery games with him. He was quite taken with her, flirting and smiling and giggling. She helped keep his attention and spirits up--and fussing to a minimum. Towards the end of the flight, I asked her what she did for a living and it turns out that she is the director of the early intervention program in our town that Jack has been referred to! It was quite serendipitous and, after we got off the plane, she introduced me to the woman who will be his teacher (they were traveling to a conference together).
On a funny note, yesterday, I went to pick Jack up from daycare. He is now walking nearly 100% of the time. Well, he came to the door with a stethescope around his neck, the same way a doctor wears it (slung around the back of his neck). I laughed and the teacher told me that he had been wearing it all day and knows how to use it appropriately. She said that after he "checks" out his "patients" (stuffed animals), he slings it back over his neck and has worn it like that all day. She was puzzled as to how he would know how to wear it like that since none of the older kids do. In my estimation, he has either spent too much time at doctors' offices or he is striving to follow in his Bampa's footsteps (given his affinity for my father, I am putting my money on the latter...). :-)
What a small world! That is such a crazy thing that you sat next to that lady on the plane.
I am hoping you feel better soon! Let me know next time you are in town!
Wow.... God is in the details, isn't He?! To have her on the plane, right next to you, entertaining Jack. Totally a God thing!
I'm sorry that his receptive and expressive language is delayed. As you know, we've been down a similar path with Jillian. She was much older than Jack when we realized there were some serious problems, and it was only then that we got some help. Jack will benefit from having some help early on. You'll be seeing some progress!
I am sorry that he is measuring a bit behind in a few areas. I am sure that once he starts hanging out with great teachers, like the lady on the plane, he will catch right up. That is amazing that you were sitting by that specific lady and can already trust that she, and her coworker, will be great with Jack!
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