Jack took his first big tumble as a "wobbler" the other day. He now proudly has scratches and bruises on his forehead to show for it. The funny part is that this fall apparently happened as he was trying to push the bigger kids out of the way so he could be the first one to get outside at daycare. My little bruiser. :-)
We have been pretty successful in giving up the bottles. I was lucky and daycare was willing to take on the brunt of the conversion to sippy cups. Started last week and at the beginning of the week, Jack would throw the sippy cup in anger and basically boycotted drinking from it. There was a lot of vocalization accompanying the throwing as well. When I would give him a bottle at bedtime (I was a little too intimidated by all of this to do it 100% cold turkey so we kept the nighttime bottle), he would act as though I had just done the nicest thing for him that I could possibly do. By the end of the week, he was pretty much okay with the cup. No meltdowns over the weekend about the bottle and we are now working on the nighttime bottle, which hasn't really been a problem. My sister always claims that any change with kids is a max one week of torture and then it's all over. This does, indeed, seem to be true.
After months and months of attempting to read books to Jack (I LOVE books) and he having ZERO interest in reading books and me being concerned I would have a child who never wanted to read, Jack has really gotten into books. These two books are our favorites. The first one, On the Night You Were Born, I bought for Jack when he was in the NICU. To be honest, I was very intimidated by all of the wires, cords, lack of privacy and this tiny little baby--I was having a hard time bonding. I didn't know how to talk to him without feeling silly (to be fair, it is REALLY, REALLY hard in such a public, open place to have any private bonding to your baby) and a little like I was talking to an inanimate object. My answer to this was to buy a few books and read to him. I figured it would help me overcome my discomfort. It did and I love that this book is now Jack's favorite. It is such a sweet book, with wonderful illustrations, with a sweet message, based on the verse "You are fearfully and wonderfully made". The second book is by the same author and Jack received it as a gift from his cousins for his first birthday. I highly recommend both of these books to any mommies out there.

Finally, I got an unexpected Mother's Day gift in the mail today from Pajamagram. If you've never heard of them before, check them out! They are my favorite pj's and they make great gifts. They come in a pretty hatbox with a door hanger and sachet. Thanks to my ever-generous and thoughtful in-laws. They are visiting this weekend and we are very excited. We are planning our first trip to the coast.
1 comment:
I wouldn't worry too much about Jack's uninterest in books right now - James was exactly the same way at that age and now he LOVES books! At that age, boys just don't want to sit still long enough to read. They are all about go, go, go....
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