Jack is cutting 5 teeth right now--and this is, by far, what I would consider one of the more difficult parenting times of the past year. My happy, giggly, low-maintenance, super-sleeper baby has been replaced by a whiny, clingy, awake-every-hour, emotionally unstable nightmare. Even when I am holding him, he is constantly emitting a low-frequency whine, which is worse than fingernails on chalkboard. We can't set him down or walk away (even within his visual field) without him being reduced to a puddle of tears. He can seriously go from happy and engaged in an activity to a complete mess in a matter of seconds lest we even appear to be paying attention to anything but him. We have tried everything--Tylenol, infant Motrin, Orajel, teethers, teething cookies, fingers (ouch--I've been bitten HARD a couple of times!), etc., etc. Yesterday afternoon, on my whit's end, Jack and I took a trip to Albertson's and picked up some Hyland's Teething Tablets. I wasn't convinced these would do anything--they don't have any numbing agents and it isn't entirely clear how they work. But, they do. Within about 15 minutes of taking the tablets, our boy was back again. We got the first several hour stretches of sleep we've had in a while. So, thanks, Hyland's. You've made this mama happy.
We loved these things with Claire! I am glad they work for you too.
Those are great!! I may be wrong but I think that they have just enough sweetness to them that it takes their minds off of it hurting. When Kellar was in the nicu they had this stuff called sweetease and if they had to draw blood or change his ostomy bag for the 10 time in one day they'd give him a drop of it and it totally calmed him and they said it was the sweetness..5 teeth at once, wowza he's pulling a Kellar stunt for sure...Have you tried freezing a baby washcloth or freezing something like a carrot?
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