I am in California on a whirlwind overnight trip. I left Jack at home--missing him terribly but have to say I had forgotten how easy a plane ride is sans baby. :-) Since I had some mental time to myself, I was thinking about the things I miss since moving away. Here is my list (in no particular order)...
1. Golden Spoon (especially trips with my friend Michelle)
2. California Pizza Kitchen
3. Henry's Market
4. Soup Plantation (I know this isn't just in California but we don't have one where we live!)
5. Baby Gap
6. Babies R Us (and Kiddie Kandids)
7. Crate and Barrel
8. Pottery Barn Kids
9. My family
10. My friends
The bright spot is that I get to come back and visit these places/people once a month!
Golden Spoon and Henry's were two of our favorites when we lived in Mission Viejo. Enjoy your time in CA...lucky you getting to go back once a month.
I should hope that is in no particular order! No matter how much I love golden spoon, I would hope missing family and friends ranks a little higher than that and crate and barrel. :) And even though I wasn't there, I still miss you from here.
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