We kicked off the season on the Sunday after Thanksgiving with a visit to the Festival of Lights at The Grotto , these beautiful gardens that they decorate in lights to tell the story of Christmas, complete with a spectacular nativity scene. Both kids really loved it and we learned here that Jack really adores carolers.
We decided to do one Christmasy activity a week this year. After the Grotto, we also visited Zoo Lights (more carolers!), a Christmas light festival at a raceway (a drive through thing), we did one evening of Christmas shopping at the mall, the Polar Express (more on that below), and a repeat visit to the Grotto.
We took a trip on the Polar Express this year. We have never successfully gotten Jack to sit on Santa's lap without a lot of fuss and crying. Well, the Polar Express was the perfect antidote to that. It was an old-fashioned passenger train, they served hot chocolate and, upon arrival at the North Pole, Santa boarded the train. He then sat with each family for a visit. It was a very personal, non-threatening atmosphere. Both Jack and Charlie sat on his lap. Jack asked for a train, a boat, and skis. Silly boy. I don't know where he gets this stuff!
Christmas music stole the show this year. We put on carols in the car every time we went anywhere. Jack and Charlie both have their favorite songs, which they would ask for at various times. Jingle Bells, Away in a Manger ("Jesus Born" as my boys call it), We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Deck the Halls, and Oh Christmas Tree top the list of favorites. I wish I could seal Charlie's little voice singing "Jingle Bells, jingle bells, hey!" in my head forever. When we visited the nativity scene at the Grotto, Jack approached it singing "Away in a Manger." I'm glad they both seem to understand what the meaning of the season is (Charlie regularly yells out "Jesus Birthday!").
When we got married, Jared and I invested in a Lionel electric train with plans to buy a new car or part to the train each year. We got the Polar Express version. Our goal was that by the time our children are grown, we will be able to give them the start to their own Christmas trains. We definitely reaped the benefits of this investment this year. The kids were captivated by the train. Jack became a very adept "conductor" and can operate the train quite well. It is a special thing and reminds me of my grandfather.
Buddy the Elf was a fun addition to this year. The kids had a lot of fun finding him every morning. On Christmas Eve, he wrapped up his stay with us by making snow angels in sugar. Then, that night, Jack gave him a hug and a kiss and tucked him under the tree so Santa could take him back to the North Pole.
When my parents came to visit, my mother made Christmas cookies. The boys had such fun decorating them with her.
Having my parents and aunt visit for Christmas was so special. I think this may have been the first year in many, many years that my family did not congregate at my parents' house (we've missed a few Christmases down there living 1,000 miles away but everyone else is usually there). With all of us flung far and wide now, we got the benefit of having them visit here. We had a wonderful visit.
Wonderful memories. We will make more WITH you soon!
What a fun Christmas! Having family around for the holiday is so special. Our elf is named Buddy too!
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