Drugs and alcohol...this one is pretty easy for me.
Drugs: Totally 100% against them. In all forms. I'm against the legalization of marijuana and every other drug. It terrifies me to think of losing my children to the grip of drug addictions. I don't have much more to say on the topic.
Alcohol: In moderation. I do enjoy a glass of wine here and there but I generally keep it to the weekends (harder to do when I am at my parents house and being served wine I generally wouldn't purchase for myself). Since having kids, I just haven't had the tolerance for it like I did before. By that I mean, I am nagged by the idea of even one drink impairing my ability to respond as quickly as I might need to in an emergency with my kids. I'm also completely terrified about drunk driving/drunk drivers. I do think alcohol is a slippery, slippery slope for some. That's scary.
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