You are now 8 months old! It seems like yesterday that we checked into the hospital full of excitement that our family would grow. And, just like that, you turned our world upside down in so many wonderful ways. You made Jack and brother and stole my heart. I got to know the joy of bringing a baby home right away, the closeness that comes with successfully nursing, and the absolute wonder of watching a sibling relationship unfold. I never thought I could love TWO little boys so fiercely. I didn't realize how much time had already passed until I recently watched some little videos of you as an uncoordinated newborn!
So what are you up to these days?
You weigh 15 lbs, 4 ounces and are 26 3/4 inches long. You wear 3-6 month clothes and a size 3 diaper.
You have been sitting up unassisted for about 2 months now and army crawling for a month. On Monday, July 26, you started "real" crawling. You are still working on it but you are doing it! You can also go from a crawling or prone position to sitting up. This morning, Daddy found you sitting up in your crib!
No teeth yet but it sure seems like you are working on them! You like to chew on anything you can get your hands on.
You have busy little hands. When you don't have anything to hold onto but want something, you excitedly twirl your hands like little propellers. You have a vise-like grip and are FAST when you want something (like my glasses). You make cute little excited noises when you see something you want and waste no time scooting over to get it. You are starting to pull yourself up on things.
You have a temper! You get very angry when you are put down when you want to be held and when we take things away from you. You can scream pretty loud! You also put your arms straight out, lock your elbows, make tight little fists and get red in the face and scream. You are pretty funny to watch.
You are sleeping so well these days! You take 2 naps a day, a short one in the morning and a long one in the afternoon. You go to bed around 7 pm and generally sleep until 7 am the next morning. You may wake up once or twice but are easily soothed back to sleep. This is a big relief for your mommy and daddy! You are sleeping in Jack's big-boy room because he isn't ready to give up his crib yet. :-)
You love to be held. You are my little snuggle-bug and until just a month ago, you slept a lot of the night in my arms. I miss this but I also like getting my sleep--and I think you do, too.
You are a pro at traveling. You've been on at least one plane trip a month since you were 3 weeks old and you are always such a good boy. You often get to travel first class because we fly so often--it's a treat for both of us and you always behave like a gentlemen.
I love you, little Bear!
Don't worry--we don't often dress you in flowers but I love this picture. ;-)

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