Monday, July 27, 2009


Here is the forecast for the next 5 days...

99° F | 61° F
101° F | 61° F
103° F | 58° F
94° F | 56° F
85° F | 54° F

Seriously??? I thought moving to the rainy Northwest meant leaving some of that heat behind! I'll be in California for the month of August, so I guess I'm trading same for same. At least it's not humid here, I'll take some comfort in that.

Not much going on around here. Warning ahead: a small pity party.

I've been struggling with our move a little more lately. Especially as this baby's birth approaches. I can't believe we're already half way (well, more than halfway there). We still don't have a church. We left behind the church I've been going to since I was 18 years old, where I taught religious education, the church and priest that have seen me through all of the most significant events of my life: meeting Jared, marriage preparation, my wedding, the birth of my son, his baptism. We had a community there; people knew us when we showed up every Sunday, missed us if we didn't come. We haven't found anything even approximating that here. Our first problem has been finding a church that has a nursery. Seriously--most of the churches here don't seem to have nurseries, which I totally do not understand. Do people with small children just not go to church here????

More than the church issue, we don't have any friends. None. No girlfriends I can call up to have lunch with, no one to do meet for coffee or to swap babysitting or have a couples' date with. How did those of you who have been through this moving do it? How do you meet people? I miss my friends desperately. I feel like I just survive here until the weeks I get to go "home" and can see friends and family. This particular issue is giving me the most worry with the baby on the way. Since we also have no family up here, who are we going to call when my water breaks or I'm in labor? Who will stay with Jack? Our occasional weekend babysitter has a "real" job so certainly she can't come if the baby decides to make his appearance mid-week. I'm also really sad that there won't be anyone to come see my baby when he is born. I know our parents will come but we don't live in the most easily-accessible area and life makes it hard for our friends and other family to figure out a way and time to come up here.

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret this move. It was the right decision for Jared's career, for our family, and to help us create opportunities down the road. It's been a good learning and growing experience in our marriage--I now know that my family and home are wherever Jared and Jack are. I guess I just didn't count on it being so hard, either.

I'm trying to focus on the fact that "home" isn't the way it was when we left either--our best friends moved to Texas shortly after we left. Things aren't the same. And, I know that people--especially military families--do this kind of thing all the time. I'm just feeling today like the "adventure" is over and the reality isn't quite as rosy as it seemed when first got here.


Emily said...

Oh Kate, I am so sorry you are feeling this way! I totally understand, I have been there. When we moved to Austin a few years ago and could not seem to find a friend, I was newly pregnant I thought "what have we done?".
I was determined when we moved to Dallas that would not happen. It took a while to find friends that were not family members. I joined a MOPS group (you do not have to go to the church that hosts this group), started going to story time at the library and forcing myself to introduce myself to other moms, started going to mommy and me classes at the gym and asked other moms to go grab a snack afterwards. I had to come REALLY far out of my comfort zone, I am not the type to "force" myself on others, but I kind of had to start being that way.
I did meet a lot of people in a small group at our church, I am sorry you have not been able to find one. I am shocked that there are not nurseries at the churches up there, that would make it really hard.
My heart goes out to you! I wish that I could come out and meet your baby in a few months. We didn't have one nonfamily visitor in the hospital when Claire was born and that made me sad. I totally know how you feel. I will be praying for you. I hope that the perfect friend comes into your life in the very near future. Sorry this is so long. Hang in there, it will happen, you will connect with a girlfriend if you keep your eyes open. My sister actually met one of her closest friends in line at Wal Mart when she moved a couple years ago.

Rob said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're having a bit of a rough patch. We will be praying for you that you will find some new friends up there. We miss you and Jared and Jack immensely. We also feel the void of having no friends to hang out with here in Texas. Hang in there and trust that the Lord will take care of you and your needs.