Thursday, January 22, 2009

Past, Present and Future

I read this on one of my favorite blogs...thought it was fun and if it makes me cooler, than I'm all for it. :-)

Where were you January 22nd....

5 years ago- 25 yo, had just lost my job at the company where I met my future husband, and was feeling quite bereft. Little did I know, that job loss would open the doors to the rest of my career and move my relationship with my husband along nicely.

10 years ago- In college, since Jan. 22, 2009 was a Friday, I was most likely contemplating my weekend plans and possibly attending class.

15 years ago- Sophomore in high school, I was just beginning my descent into a wicked case of teen angst. Probably fighting with my mother, plotting against my mother and lamenting over all the ways I was convinced she was ruining my life. For the record, lest this sound like I have a terrible relationship with my mother, it was confined to a few years of highschool.

20 years ago- I was 10 yo, sharing a room with my older sister, who was soon to graduate high school and leave me for Yale. I'm sure I was tormenting her in a million ways--such as using her prom dresses for doll outfits, etc. I was, also, quite enamoured with with her teenage coolness.

Where are ya going?

5 years from now- Jack will be almost 6--in kindergarten. Wow! Perhaps he will have a sibling. Jared will be working on his MBA and I will probably still be working for a bank.

10 years from now- Jack will be solidly in elementary school, joined by the possible sibling, and since our careers are still so much in flux, maybe we will be living somewhere else, me still in risk management, Jared in IT management--maybe further along.

15 years from now- Jack in high school, me probably getting back all of the anxiety I doled out to my parents, Jared and I both still plugging away at our careers.

20 years from now- Probably still paying for college educations, kids becoming adults, still working in respective careers.

25 years from now- Maybe looking toward retirement? Possible weddings for our children. Possibly still paying for college educations (likely, actually). :-)


Megan and Company said...

I too, feel like I've done most my living in the last few years. Also, I can hardly remember what I did with all my free time before. :)

Amy said...

Stop by for fruit anytime. ;) Just noticed that we both have Jacks with Feb. birthdays. Mine will be 9 next week. I can't believe it! He was just as tiny as yours yesterday. :)