We made it! We're here! On October 16, Jack, my friend Marcia and I hopped on a plane and flew to Oregon. It was Jack's first plane ride and he was a great passenger. On both legs of the trip, the people in front of us commented they didn't even realize there was a baby sitting behind them! Here is my little man on his first airplane ride:
To reassure inquiring minds, no, Jack did not ride sitting on a seat by himself. He was "safely" in my arms.
Our departure was hard. My best friend Jennifer brought me and Jack to the airport--it's the first time in our 9 years of friendship that we've had to say goodbye--made ever more bittersweet by the news that she and her family will themselves be moving next month--to Texas. I'm sad about missing watching the girls grow up as we've been lucky to do so far. I guess our annual family vacations will now include Texas as a destination!
Otherwise, the moving went fairly uneventfully. Our belongings arrived in one piece and undamaged, our house is FABULOUS and we are not at all unpacked. But, I'm loving it. The weather has been beautiful (really, does it rain here? 'Cause we haven't seen any evidence of that...), the trees are on fire with changing colors...it's everything I'd hoped for. We even had deer grazing in the field behind our house the other night.
The best part? Being back with my husband. I missed him dearly for those three weeks. Jack has been thrilled to have his Daddy back, too.
Okay, a parting picture of Jack upon arrival in Oregon at the airport...
Stay tuned...I will be bringing you on a "tour" of our new home soon!
Yay for arriving in one piece! I am SO glad that you like it there; I miss it so. We will be to see you, I see that you need my unpacking services again :) Miss you!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Visit any time. I promise I do not bite :) Your sweet baby boy is adorable. I have moved 7+ times in my life and it never gets any easier. Hang in there and enjoy your new house :)
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