I loved that game as a kid...it was one of my favorite computer lab activities in grammar school! Perhaps a portense of things to come...
Anyway, back to topic...for those who haven't heard, we've made the difficult but exciting decision to relocate to Oregon! Jared got a call from a recruiter several weeks ago, which turned into a phone interview, and then a "real" interview...and before we knew it, we were faced with a decision about relocating. After much thought, prayer, (some tears!), and deliberation, we made the decision to accept the offer.
Heavy on my heart was the prospect of leaving my company, which I've been working for through many of my recent major life events...getting engaged, getting married, having a baby, etc. They have been incredibly flexible with me through all of it and I have a lot of loyalty to the company. I was shocked when they made the incredible offer to have me continue working remotely and come back monthly for on-site visits!
We've put an offer on a house and are anxiously awaiting an answer. We found a property that we think will be perfect to raise our baby in...we're hoping the property feels the same way about us!
Please send your thoughts and prayers our way as we begin this exciting new chapter in our lives!
That photo brought back some memories...I loved that game as well. So sad to hear you are moving but looking forward to making the trip up north for a visit. Congrats Jared!
I loved Oregon Trail too! Congratulations on this HUGE decision/life change!! It will be an exciting adventure I am sure. I have heard that Oregon is beautiful and a great place to raise a family. I will be thinking of you guys over the next little bit as you adjust to your new life. Keep us posted.
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