And here is Jack and his buddy, T...

Jared left for Oregon and his new job last Thursday, so this was my first weekend alone with Jack...on top of desperately missing my husband, I am appreciating his hands-on involvement with Jack more and more!
A couple of weeks ago, there was this post on one of the blogs I read, reflecting on friendships and the value they bring to our lives. I've been so blessed with the friendships I have in my life--and more than just friends, some of these gals are my neighbors and co-workers (yes, there are a few of us that have followed one another from job to job). In addition, I have been blessed with the friendships that have blossomed out of family relationships--my sisters and sisters-in-law.
Never before this year have I seen the power of friendship the way I have this year. When my water broke early and I spent a week in the hospital before Jack's birth, these ladies immediately ran out and bought oodles of preemie clothes, snacks and food in the hospital, helped keep my toes looking cute during my stay (thanks, Jenn!), covered projects at work. Then, after Jack was born, they made visits to see him (and me!), were my rocks, sounding boards, and shoulders to cry on during the month he was in the hospital...my friends and sisters were all about me...even when they had their own difficult things going on. Most recently, they pulled together a surprise going away party for us and have helped keep me sane through the moving process.
I am terrified to move away from this...I don't think I can re-create it somewhere else. I am going to miss all of them so much. Fortunately, I am only a plane ride away--and most of them have guest bedrooms...:-)