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For the record, I will say I am sorely disappointed in the Olympics this year. I'm not sure when, but they did away with the "Perfect Ten" in gymnastics. A perfect 10 just sounds SO much better than 15.26. My best childhood friend, B. and I spent hours upon hours first watching the movie Nadia and then playing gymnastics and fighting over who got to be Nadia (then we got smart and realized her teammate Teadora was way prettier...then fought over who got to be Teadora). Which brings me to my next disappointment--I've been combing the channels for a replay of that wonderful 80's movie Nadia--and it hasn't been on. :-(
Since B. is the only one of us with a daughter, I'm pinning all of my Olympic hopes on her future career as a gymnast. Hopefully they will have brought back the "Perfect 10" by then.
Katie happened to catch it on TV a few years ago and I have a copy...We'll have to get together and find a VHS player and watch it and reminisce! I still know that movie (and all the routines) by heart :) Those were the days....
Ha! Here's the best part!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcmanOJNhcg&feature=related (FF to abt 3:20)
I totally agree!
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